Welcome to my portoflio!

About me

picture of me

Hi, I'm Mahmoud, a web developer with a passion for technology and a love for creative expression. From a young age, I was always drawn to the world of computers and software, and I found immense enjoyment and creative freedom in web development.

Coming from a technical academic background, I have always been interested in how things work and how they can be optimised. I also have a professional linguistic background, which has given me a keen eye for detail and a love for clear communication.

When I'm not coding, you can find me pursuing my hobbies, which include swimming, walking, reading, and playing video games.

My Tool-kit


Here are some of my recent projects:

**some projects are not deployed yet and thus their live links are greyed out


Social media website that allows signup with facebook.Users can create posts, connect with other users, as well as like and comment on posts

Expressjs, Passport-facebook, Nodejs, Ejs

Tome Heap

website for searching for books, adding them to one's list, as well as rating and reviewing them. Social media features such as adding and messaging other users.

React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Firebase

Blog API

API that allows an adminstrator to compose, edit and delete posts and comments on them. Non admin users can only request published posts and add comments to them.

Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDb, Json Web Tokens

BattleShip Game

Desktop Battleship game. Users compete against the computer in trying to find and sink each others' ships

TDD, OOP, JavaScript, Jest, Css

Where's Luffy

where's waldo style game for the desktop.Users have to find a group of characters hidden in a crowd and their time scores are saved.

TypeScript, Reactjs, Firebase

Contact me

I would love to hear from you .Whether you are someone who has a dream project that I can help bring to life , or a fellow developer, feel free to contact me

send me a message